What Happens If You Eat Soap: Things To Know

When your mom told you to not eat that because it’s soap, you probably nodded along. But as an adult, you wonder: How bad can eating soap be? After all, it is just a bar of soap. You cannot digest it; or can you? In this article, we explore what happens if you eat soap. Many different types of soap have been used for thousands of years. The earliest known examples come from the ancient Minoans and Babylonians who used clay to create them. 

Soap has many uses other than cleaning ourselves and our clothes; it has numerous applications in industrial processes as well It also happens to be safe for human consumption in small quantities (up to one or two bars per week). Keep reading to find out more about what happens if you eat soap.

How bad is it to eat soap?

eating soap
Image Credit: healthdigest.com

The answer to this question depends on the type of soap you eat. A highly alkaline soap such as a dishwashing soap can be very damaging to your digestive tract and cause bleeding in your stomach. You may experience pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you eat enough soap, you may end up in the hospital with an extremely painful stomach ulcer. 

If you eat a whole bar of soap, you can get sick, but it’s unlikely that you’d die from it. However, if you eat a single bar of soap every day for a year, you might be harming yourself. You may experience vomiting and diarrhea after eating soap, but you won’t die from it. That said, eating too much soap can have long-term effects, especially if you’re eating it to try to lose weight.

If you eat too much soap, you can experience problems with your digestive tract, including nausea and vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea, as well as low blood potassium levels, which can cause arrhythmia and heart palpitations.

What Happens If You Eat Soap?

Soap is a compound that’s made from various oils (such as coconut oil, palm oil, or olive oil) mixed with lye and water. The reason why soap is called “soap” is that it needs to be “saponified”, which means that an alkali (in this case, lye) is added to a fatty acid (oil) to create soap. When you eat soap, it passes through your digestive system as any other food would. 

Eventually, it will come out of your system as waste. Although you may get sick from eating too much soap, it can’t kill you. Soap is not capable of being digested like other foods. In fact, it’s not even broken down in the stomach; it’s broken down in the small intestine. So, after a few hours, it will just pass right through your body.

The soap can also get stuck in your stomach, which can cause a chemical burn. This can lead to gastric bleeding and pain that lasts for days or weeks. If you eat enough soap, you can get dehydrated and have to go to the hospital. Eating it causes your digestive system to go into overdrive trying to digest it. Eating soap can also trigger a reflex in your small intestine called a spasm, which causes cramps and diarrhea.

Will you die if you eat soap?

You won’t die from consuming soap, but it may make you sick. Eating too much soap can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and low blood potassium levels. Because soap is not digested, it can cause an imbalance of bacteria in your intestines, which can lead to serious health problems. The worst thing that can happen is that it can cause extreme dehydration.

Lye is a highly alkaline substance found in all types of soap. When you digest soap, the lye causes damage to the lining of the digestive tract and can lead to a serious condition called gastroenteritis. Eating soap can also cause swelling in the lips, tongue, and throat, which can lead to difficulty breathing.

How to get rid of the soapy taste?

If you eat a bar of soap out of curiosity, you may not enjoy the taste. You can get rid of that soapy taste by drinking a lot of water. While drinking water is a good way to get rid of the soapy taste, it will not help with the cramps and diarrhea. The soap will pass through your system pretty quickly, but the taste will linger for a little bit longer. You can also eat something sour, like a lemon, to get rid of the taste of soap. 

You can also try to brush the soap off your tongue with a toothbrush or the back of a spoon. However, if you eat a lot of soap, it may not work as well. You can also try to mix orange juice with baking soda and drink it. However, you shouldn’t eat lemon if you’re experiencing nausea or vomiting since it can make those symptoms worse.

Is it possible to digest and absorb soap?

Many people wonder if they can digest and absorb soap. The short answer is no because soap is not a food source. When we eat food, we break it down with our saliva and digestive juices and use it as energy. If you eat soap, your digestive enzymes cannot break it down. Your body can’t use soap as a source of energy, which is why people get sick from eating it.

Soap is not capable of being digested or broken down. It is made using chemicals, so it is not something that your body can use. Like any other substance that is not meant to be ingested, soap will just pass through your system without being broken down or metabolized by your body.

Summing up

There are a lot of myths about what happens if you eat soap. The truth is, soap is a cleanser; it’s not meant to be eaten. If you eat soap, it could make you sick, but it won’t kill you. If you have a soap taste in your mouth, drink water and eat something sour like lemon to get rid of the taste.

If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t eat soap. It won’t help you lose weight, and it could make you sick. Soap is not meant to be eaten, and it’s not good for your body. If you’re tempted to eat a bar of soap, seek help. It’s a sign that you’re experiencing some sort of stress or mental health issue, and it’s important that you seek help.

Additional Contents:

  1. What Happens If a Dog Eats Soap
  2. What Happens If You Put Dish Soap In Your Toilet
  3. What Happens If You Get Soap In Your Eye: 3 Things To Do
  4. What Happens If You Swallow Soap
  5. What Happens When You Mix Vinegar And Dish Soap: The Surprising Facts