What Happens When Baking Soda is Mixed With Water

Baking Soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is an incredibly versatile and useful ingredient found in most homes. Not only is it a great addition to baking recipes, but it also has many uses in everyday life, from cleaning to deodorizing.

But what happens when baking soda is mixed with water? From a scientific perspective, this mixture creates a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide and increases the pH of the water. 

This reaction can be used to explain a variety of everyday occurrences, ranging from the creation of bubbles in a bathtub to the bloating of a cake.

In this article, we’ll explore the science behind this phenomenon and explain what happens when you mix baking soda and water. So let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of chemistry!

What is Baking Soda?

baking soda
Image Credit: sciencephotogallery.com

Baking soda is a white substance that is a combination of sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate. It is a leavening agent that is used to make baked goods rise by neutralizing acids in the batter, and it is also used as a cleaning agent due to its ability to lift dirt and grease. 

When you mix baking soda and water, the carbon dioxide bubbles out of the mixture. This reaction can produce enormous amounts of carbon dioxide when a lot of baking soda is added to water. You can test this by pouring a small amount of baking soda into water. 

You’ll notice that this small amount of baking soda quickly bubbles out all the CO2. You will likely see a small amount of foam form around the baking soda. The reaction that occurs when baking soda is mixed with water is called an acid-base reaction.

This reaction can be used to describe a lot of different chemical reactions that occur in the world around us.

Baking soda is a very versatile ingredient that can be used in many different recipes and has multiple household uses. Baking soda is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to clean your home.

It can be used to clean your fridge, clean your floors, and even remove odors from your shoes. 

What is the Chemical Reaction that Occurs When Baking Soda is Mixed with Water?

The chemical reaction between baking soda and water is an example of an acid-base reaction. Baking soda is an example of a base and water is an example of an acid.

The reaction begins when the two substances are mixed with each other. The water molecules cause the sodium ions in the baking soda to react. 

The reaction can be described as follows: sodium bicarbonate + water + carbon dioxide + sodium carbonate. When sodium bicarbonate reacts with water, sodium carbonate is formed in addition to carbon dioxide, and the pH of the water increases due to the formation of sodium carbonate. 

The reaction causes the baking soda to release a carbon dioxide molecule. The carbon dioxide molecules that are formed remain dissolved in the water.

This reaction can be used to explain a lot of different chemical reactions that occur in the world around us.

How Does the Reaction Affect the pH of the Water?

The pH of the water after mixing baking soda and water is 10 by default. This is because the water starts off with a neutral pH of 7. After adding the baking soda, the pH increases, which means the water is more alkaline.

The increased pH is due to the fact that the reaction between the baking soda and water creates hydroxide ions, which are negatively charged ions that increase the pH of the water. 

The reaction between the baking soda and water can be represented by the following chemical equation: This means that when the baking soda and water are mixed, they form a base that is responsible for increasing the pH of the water and creating bubbles.

The exact amount of hydroxide ions formed depends on the amount of baking soda added.

What are the Uses of Baking Soda and Water?

Baking Soda and Water are used in a variety of different ways. In this section, we’ll explore how baking soda and water can be used in baking, cleaning, and even in the kitchen. 

  • Baking – Baking Soda and Water are used in baking to create carbon dioxide bubbles that give baked goods an airy, fluffy texture. This is because when baking soda is dissolved in water, carbon dioxide bubbles are formed that expand in the batter and give it a lighter texture. 
  • Cleaning – Baking Soda and Water can be used to clean various surfaces around the house, including sinks, toilets, and even bathtubs. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can help to scrub away stubborn stains. 
  • Cooking – Baking Soda and Water can be used to create batters and fizz-in-the-mouth drinks. Baking soda is used in various recipes as a raising agent, as well as a flavoring and leavening agent. 
  • Health and Beauty – Baking Soda and Water can be used to make face masks, deodorants, and toothpaste. Baking soda is used in a variety of beauty products, such as face masks and deodorants, because of its mild abrasive properties.

What Are the Consequences of this Chemical Reaction?

The reaction between baking soda and water causes the water to become more alkaline or basic. You can test this by using an indicator paper or pH strip to test a sample of baking soda water.

The indicator strip will show a higher pH number as a result of the reaction. This reaction can be used to explain the rise in pH in a bathtub or swimming pool. 

Baking soda reacts with acids in the water, such as sweat, to cause the pH of the water to rise. This rise in pH causes the water to become more basic and makes the water less acidic.

This effect can help to reduce itching caused by the acidity of the water. This reaction can also be used to explain how baking soda is used in a variety of cleaning products. 

Household cleaners typically include baking soda. When baking soda is added to water, it causes the pH of the water to rise. This increase in pH causes the water to become more basic and less acidic. This change in pH properties allows the water to better dissolve grease and stains.

When baking soda and water are mixed, the pH of the water increases. In order for this reaction to occur, the pH of the baking soda must be greater than the pH of the water. The higher the pH of the water, the faster the reaction will occur.

The effervescence produced by this reaction can be used to clean fruits and vegetables. 

Effervescence is also responsible for the foaming effect in a bathtub when baking soda is added.

Additionally, the increase in pH can be used to make pickles crispier by accelerating the rate at which lactic acid is broken down in the vegetables.

How Can this Chemical Reaction be Used to Explain Everyday Occurrences?

The baking soda and water reaction can be used to explain a number of common occurrences. The reaction can be used to explain how bubbles are formed in a bathtub.

When water is added to a bathtub, it dissolves substances, such as oils, that are naturally present in the water. This reaction creates bubbles in the water. 

The reaction between baking soda and water can also be used to explain why a cake might become too foamy or bubbly while baking. This can happen when too much baking soda is added to a cake recipe. 

The reaction between baking soda and other ingredients causes parts of the cake to rise in an undesirable manner. Baking soda is sometimes used to clean your refrigerator because it can neutralize its strong odors by reacting with acids in the food to create carbon dioxide bubbles.  

This reaction can be used to explain how a protein-rich diet can be used to help prevent bloating. Protein-rich foods help the human body stay less acidic. This results in less bloating for individuals who consume a protein-rich diet.

The reaction can also be used to explain how baking soda is used to treat heartburn and upset stomachs.


Baking soda is an incredibly useful ingredient that can be used to clean, deodorize, and even cure some afflictions. When baking soda is mixed with water, an acid-base reaction occurs, causing the water’s pH to rise and become more basic. 

This reaction can be used to explain a variety of everyday occurrences, ranging from why bubbles form in a bathtub to why a cake might become too foamy when baking.

Baking soda is a powerful product that can be used for many different reasons. While it’s mainly used for baking, it also has a number of other uses. 

When these ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs that releases carbon dioxide. The bubbles produced by this reaction can be used to clean vegetables, make pickles crispier, and even explain why a cake bloats.

It’s also used to clean, deodorize, and even treat heartburn and upset stomachs.

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